Anti-bullying programs that make a true impact

The Dialed Action Sports Team is not only an amazingly talented BMX stunt team, but we also provide a powerful and inspirational anti-bullying program for school assemblies. Our anti-bullying programs are designed to show your elementary and middle school students why bullying is bad and how it can effect you. Our BMX stunt team will show your students how to avoid bullying and what to do if they or someone they know are being bullied. Our main goal with our message is to make an impact and leave lasting impressions with your students. If your kids see our BMX stunt riders as role models and we’re not being bullies, then hopefully that will make a bigger impact on them to not be a bully. For more information on our anti-bullying programs please visit Anti-Bullying School Assembly Programs.For more information/pricing  or any questions about our BMX stunt shows please feel free to Contact Us.

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